Home Role-Playing Games Gallery Journal Faith http://www.darkbydesign.com

Welcome to the Page About Me


Well I'm not entirely sure what brought you here, but here you are. I guess I'll get into information about me in particular, instead of my hates and loves that are in the rest of the site.

I am 6'4", I weigh app. 155 lbs. I have long dark-brown hair and green eyes. I wear glasses most of the time and have a goatee (sort of).

Picture of Silvanus

I have been working for BlueHost since 2006.
I am currently a Level II Technician there.

I am an amateur photographer, writer and (occasionally) artist. I collect shot glasses from everywhere I've traveled to. I am also a major nut when it comes to music, I have over 300 CD's of many different genres.

I am a Master CIW Designer (you can't really tell from my crappy site).

Master CIW Designer

I am currently in college studying for a degree in Digital Media with an emphasis in Web Design.

I am married to my sexy, beautiful wife Tennille. There are 5 rugrats running around our house: MerSadie, Skyler, CasCade, Jeramiah & Ciarán.

I am highly convinced that Virtual Reality will become a reality within my lifetime. I am striving to be one of the first 'designers' for V.R. So keep an eye out for that in the distant future. Right now though, I'm just trying to master graphical applications for multimedia.

If you want to know more about me, you can check out my Journal.

All Logos and Trademarks are Copyrighted by their appropriate companies. Shadowrun, Earthdawn-FASA; Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, Wraith, Mage-White-Wolf; Rifts-Palladium etc yakitty schmackity blah blah blah, and of course can't forget yadda, yadda, yadda.
Don't you just love small print...