Learning so far
So far this semester has been much of a refresher for me, a chance to put some of my skills to use. However after receiving my excellent feedback regarding my xhtml+css pre-assessment, I was shown a couple of ways to do things differently.
I originally learned to build webpages back when tables were all that was available for controlling your layout. After css came out, I sort of fell out of the loop for a while. I struggled for some time to get css to behave the way I wanted. I finally am getting a good handle on how to implement css pretty well.
The feedback from my pre-assess was very helpful, there were a few ‘ugly’ mistakes I had made. After reviewing the pre-assess I turned around and implemented the suggested alternatives, and of course they worked quite well. It took a little tweaking of my overall stylesheet to get everything to work out cleanly, but I was able to reproduce the same, if not better, look. I had used comic sans as a font, because I was struggling to find a font that would duplicate the design appearance. However, a quick replace with Verdana, leaving it with the font style of italic, produced the results I wanted.
I am really appreciating having involved online instructors. Taking classes online is always a challenge in it’s own right, it’s great to have good instructor support.