Archive for November 27th, 2003
Torment eats my soul
Something touched, felt, never known
Unable to satiate the beast inside
Solutions elude
Seeking understaning
Deprived of concious thought
Imagination overwhelming
Beating, thrashing, confounding
My heart guides me,
My logic tells me,
Which is true?
What should I do?
I reach levels of grasping
but find them illogical
Pain follows me,
Torments me,
Rends my soul
Wish I could believe
That which seems to be reality
But imagination takes me aflight
and confuses me again
Want to understand
Want it to be gra
Fear it is achasan
Cannot handle the pain
The torment inside
My brain is filled to bursting with possiblities
Which is the thread fate will choose?
Will the skein be cut clean?
Will it be allowed to weave?
My soul is the playground of Eris
now tormented with the possibility
The risk is great
But is the reward the greater?
Is the risk worth the gamble?
If snake’s eye I roll,
The pain will be great
If seven or eleven,
The prize inconceivable
Please grant me the clue
to unravel this tangle of despair.
Will I cast true
or will confusion begin anew?